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Special Educational Needs


The Department for Education (DfE) published a new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN/D) Code of Practice on 30th July 2014. It came into force from 1st September 2014, replacing the previous 2001 code. The new code reflects the changes introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014. All schools must have regard to what the code of practice says whenever decisions are taken relating to children with SEN/D.

Local Authorities are now obliged to publish a Local Offer with information about the available provision and how to access it. The aim of this is to make provision more responsive to the needs of young children with SEN/D. Our school has contributed to this development. Please click here to see our local offer, and here for the SEND information report.

For more information, please contact our SENCo, Mrs Lucy Adams via the School Office on 01273 916540 or email office@benfield.brighton-hove.sch.uk

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