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Additional Funding

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding that schools receive to meet the needs of pupils who are socially disadvantaged and at risk of underachievement. The grant is used to support the learning needs of this group of pupils to help enable them to reach their academic potential. These children have now been re-named by the government as ‘disadvantaged’ children.

How is Pupil premium allocated to the school?

The amount Hill Park School receives is determined by:

· The number of pupils who have been known to be eligible, or are currently eligible for free school meals     

   (FSM) or who have been eligible in the last 6 years (Ever 6)

· Pupils who are Looked after Children (LAC)

 · Pupils who were adopted from care

 · Children of Service men/women

You can apply for Free School Meals through the school office, or via the Brighton and Hove City Council website here.

Who decides how the funding is used?

The school decides on how the funding should be spent and ensures that it is used for the above groups of children. Other children may also benefit from the funding if they are in need of extra support, are vulnerable or if they are working alongside eligible pupils. Schools are held accountable for how they use the funding and also for pupil tracking against national trends and in school data for non- Pupil premium peers. They need to show evidence of how they identify needs and highlight the achievement of those pupils covered by the Pupil premium.

Hill Park is an Attachment aware school. We believe that adults in school can help improve children’s self-esteem, emotional health and overall development by providing caring, respectful, positive and consistent relationships. All children need positive, caring relationships but we are aware that children who have suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) require extra support and specific specialist strategies to reach their full potential. 

We have 2 accredited Attachment Leads at Hill Park, Clare Langhorne (Head of Secondary School) and Joanna Prior (Wellbeing team) who continue to develop school practice and maintain up to date knowledge of research and practice in this area. All of our staff have basic training in Developmental trauma (Attachment difficulties) and many have extended training in this area. The Wellbeing team offer Attachment support via 1:1 sessions (including Theraplay strategies), staff support and class team advice, family advice and input in multi-agency meetings, designing sensory programmes and regulation plans.

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